It is the right moment for travel with Air Moldova

The state air company Air Moldova was founded in January 12, 1993, by the decree of the President of the Republic of Moldova.
The company’s base consisted of flight subdivisions based in Chisinau. Thus it can be affirmed that the company started its activity in September 19, 1944, when the first aircraft PO-2 arrived in Chisinau and the first Moldovan independent flight squadron started to function. Besides those 15 aircraft PO-2 type that operated domestic flights and served in agriculture, during the first years after the war, there were 2 aircraft LI-2 type, which operated flights to Moscow, to cities from Ukraine and health resorts situated on the seaside of the Black Sea and in Caucasus.
At the beginning of ‘90s has started the restructuring of the Moldovan air industry. As a result of reorganization, there were created some enterprises one of them was the air company Air Moldova which comprised the flight and service divisions. The beginning of ‘90s proved to be a tough endeavor for Moldovan civil aviation. The reorganization of the industry started at the time of difficult political situation, recession in living standards of the population and disruption of existing economic relations. At the same time appeared great difficulties concerned with fuel supply. Considerable decrease of the demand in air services led to decrease of the economic indicators in air transport, similar to the level of ‘50s. As a matter of fact, only two air routes between Moldova and Tel Aviv survived at that time. Nevertheless the company managed to survive.
On July 13, 2004 Air Moldova became an active member of the International Association of Air Transport (IATA). The adhering conditions to IATA presume certain standards and requirements among which are to be mentioned: modernization of the fleet, assurance of flight security, personnel competence and development of a quality system. Starting with December 15, 2004, the air company is being implementing the recompensing program of the passengers who fly frequently with the air company – Air Moldova Club.On May, 10, 2010, for the first time the air company fleet was completed with a new Embraer 190Jet, arrived directly from the Embraer plant. The Air Moldova’s Embraer 190Jet is configured for 114 seats. Purchase of the aircraft is part of the development strategy of the company and operation of a new aircraft in our fleet shall give the possibility to open new air routes and to assure passengers comfortableness and safety.
Membership to the Air Moldova Club program is free of charge. Any person aged 12 years old or over, as well as corporations, can become a member.Every passenger who wants to become a member of Air Moldova Club shall fill in an application form. The application form can be found at Air Moldova offices, its representatives, at sales ticket agencies and on the board of the aircraft.